
Mi primera vez

Pues si, es la primera vez que escribo un blog. Lo estuve masticando un buen tiempo ya que no soy escritora ni en antecedente ni en vocación. ¿Será que leer otros blogs religiosamente te faculta para poder escribir uno propio? ¡Vamos a averiguarlo!
Ahora, el principal motivo para escribir este blog es documentar nuestro viaje con Natalia, mi bebesita de 1 año que nació con un sindrome muy raro llamado Cornelia de Lange, y claro, cualquier otro acontecimiento relevante que suceda a nuestra pequeña y relativamente nueva familia. Supuestamente es recomendable y hasta terapéutico escribir sobre tu vida para poner en orden tus pensamientos... y vaya que muchas veces yo necesito ponerle orden a mi día a día. Claro que a largo plazo tengo muy claro lo que quiero y lo que se debe hacer, el problema es no dejar que el trajín del día a día te coma vivo.

Para empezar va una foto de la familia

Es una foto de su Birthday Party... claro, la tiara de princesa no podía faltar ;)


Karen said...

Hi Sonia! Glad to see that you started a blog! I look forward to reading it - I'll need to brush up on my Spanish!

Sonia said...

Karen, I was pleasantly surprised to find your comment. It's been inspired by you, Lisa, Kelly and many other brave moms who are aces at multitasking. Please have patience! This is definitely new to me. I need the will power to stick it through... I also just discovered that I can't upload pictures from work...
You're actually my first comment, and probably my only in a while since I haven't told my friends and family about this. I want to have the hang of it before I do.
So you know some Spanish? It's my first language, and my family's too, plus alot of my friends, so there you go! Any word that doesn't ring a bell let me know.

Karen said...

I can't upload anything from work either.
I only know what Spanish I learned in high school. It's been awhile, but it'll come back! I tried looking at your site through the Google translator and it didn't do a good job at all. So no shortcuts - I'll just get out my dictionary from time to time, and ask for help from you when I'm stuck!

Sonia said...

LOL!!! I put my last post on the translator, that definitley isn't what I wanted to say!!! I've been thinking to write some posts in english since I do have friends who only speak english, and others in spanish. But I haven't decided, would it be to weird to have a bilingual blog?